New Scripts and Compile packages

New versions of GoboLinux Scripts and Compile packages are available for download. They feature many enhancement and fixes, and upgrade is recomended.

• 2004-11-07 00:29

GoboLinux for i386 -- Call for Beta-Testers

The first GoboLinux i386 beta release is out. It's based on a GoboLinux version modified to be used on digital inclusion programs, which are taking place in Brazil. Please give a look here for the full announcement made on the mailing list. The ISO can be downloaded in the downloads section.

• 2004-12-06 15:52

Great news from Germany

Great news from the land of Beethoven, Nietzsche and Beckenbauer! Thanks to Florian Bruch, now has its first international translation: schau auf! Thanks also to Holger Schuh who contributed the installation instructions page. But there are still lots of pages where you can help. Übersetzer gesucht!

And last but not the least, now we have a German download mirror as well! Thanks to Marten Michaelsen, you can download GoboLinux directly from the aptly called (also linked in the downloads page as usual). Vielen, vielen dank an die Deutschesgobolinuxgemeinschaft! (gotta love these long words ;-) )

• 2004-12-06 15:53

Kernel fixes available

Due to the new kernel bug announced here, newer kernel images were provided to fix the kernels shipped with GoboLinux. Instructions for doing the update are available at the kernel repository.

• 2004-11-07 00:29

GoboLinux 011 at the International Free Software Forum

In celebration of the new release, GoboLinux 011 discs are being distributed for free for the participants of the 5th International Forum on Free Software, held in Porto Alegre, Brazil. The GoboLinux team thanks the sponsors that made it possible: Unisinos, T&T - Tools & Technologies and Multimidia Informatica.

T&T Unisinos Multimidia Informatica

• 2004-11-07 00:28

GoboLinux 011

join the revolution!

We are pleased to introduce GoboLinux 011, the new major release of GoboLinux, the alternative Linux distribution. This release features the introduction of Compile, a new source-based compilation system. Other distinctive features are the switch to the kernel 2.6 series (2.4 still included), adoption of the Xorg X11 server, and a large number of upgraded packages.

Read the detailed release notes for more information. Choose your favorite download mirror and join the revolution!

Update: There is now also a known issues page available.

• 2004-11-07 00:28

GoboLinux 011 Beta 2 Released

This version is far more stable than beta1, and is almost a release candidate. The main item remaining to be done is the addition of a kernel 2.6.6 image. Probably, 011 final will be released in the next few days, so any report on this version is very, very welcome.

• 2004-11-07 00:28

DNS issues solved

Finally our DNS issues are solved. We were migrating our servers due to the constant problems that lead to become unavailable for a few hours/days very frequently. The downtime issues should be fixed for now.

• 2004-11-07 00:28

GoboLinux 011 Alpha1 Released

After minor changes, upgrade of most of the packages and integration of Compile (the GoboLinux compilation tool), 011 alpha1 CD is finally out.

The major changes planned before a final release:

• 2004-11-07 00:28

GoboLinux newsgroup

The GoboLinux mailing list is now mirrored in gmane as a newsgroup. You can now access gobo-l through NNTP at nntp:// (a web interface is also available).

• 2004-11-07 00:28

Older news

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gobo AT gobolinux DOT org